woensdag 17 november 2010
woensdag 3 november 2010
(Random people Budapest nr 5.)
I just fucking love this guy! His clothes, the way he walks, the color combinations and the red letters on the right side.
For all the American and English people.
I was looking at the stats from my blog. And I discovered that I have actuality a lot of visitor from other countries. But, poor guys, I always blog in Dutch. So, specially for them. A blog in English.
Frankly, there is a reason why I never blog in English. I'm a perfectionist and my English isn't perfect. I hate to make mistakes. Right now I want to give up. Because the sentences doesn't make sense in my head. They are a mess. And it doesn't sounds like I want it.
But no worry, I wouldn't give up this time. I'm going to make it till the end.
A little story about me. No, I'm not arrogant but I love to think about philosophical and psychological stuff. And who is a better subject than I self. There isn't anyone I know better.
Today I had such a philosophical thought. It was awesome. Here it comes:
In a world without feelings, words have only consequences when they lead to actions.
If you think about it you will realize that it's true. Now you'll think, so what? But you're wrong.When you know this, it's a lot more easy to see how significant feelings are.
An example:
In The Netherlands we have Geert Wilders. I think you all know him, so I think it's not necessary to explain who he is. His words provoke a lot of feelings by people. Feelings which are maybe not totally realistic. I mean, the Islam isn't something the devil made. But there feelings tells them that it is. Totally unrealistic.
The end.
See you later alligator
dinsdag 2 november 2010
maandag 25 oktober 2010
Budapestische meneer in de markthallen (Random people Budapest nr 4.)
We zaten bij een restaurant in de markthallen waar ze traditioneel Hongaars eten verkochten. Ik was ongelofelijk misselijk dus ik heb niet gegeten. Dat maakte dat ik meer dan genoeg tijd had om foto's te maken van de mensen om me heen. Deze meneer heeft het geluk dat hij er niet etend op staat. Want zo heb ik er ook nog een paar. Prachtig hoe mensen kunnen kijken als ze niet weten dat er foto's worden gemaakt!
It's a real ginger.
Budapestische grasknipvrouw (Random people Budapest nr. 3)
Oké, ik weet dat hier eerst stond dat het een vuilnisvrouw was enzo. Maar de lieve Mitchell heeft me erop gewezen dat deze mevrouw het gras knipte met een schaar(!) rondom de vlaggenmast. Ze stond dus waarschijnlijk te wachten tot de soldaten klaar waren met heen en weer hijsen zodat ze haar werk kon gaan doen.
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